Over the course of his +25 years career, Wes established himself as a leading expert in the Analytics and Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Fusion Fields. He has published in various journals and proceedings, including IEEE Transactions, M&SOM, AAS, Interfaces, and others, and has presented at various conferences spanning various industry sectors.
Wes has driven industry-leading innovations in the Airlines, Hospitality, CPG, Retail, Advertising, Media, Marketing, Finance, and Data Services Sectors. He applied his skills to work on various Revenue Management, Pricing, Channel Management and Distribution, Consumer Choice Modeling, Scheduling, CRM, Audience Targeting, Advertising Solutions, Data-as-a-Service, etc. that drove business results.
His work has been recognized, including receiving an Emmy for Engineering and Technology (Turner team), the INFORMS Innovative Applications of Analytics Award, the ANA Genius Awards for Marketing Analytics Science, the ANA Genius Awards for Excellence in Pioneering Analytics Innovation, the ARF Great Mind Award in Analytics Leadership, Corinium’s Top 100 Innovators in Data & Analytics for the Americas, a finalist for the Wagner Prize for Excellence in Operations Research Practice, and a finalist for the Edelman Award for Achievement in Operations Research and Advanced Analytics.
Wes attained his Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin.